Below is a list of commands containing the following symbols:
R - Is one of the registers r0-r15, in direct or indirect addressing
N - Is an alias, a clear name that can be set to a register or data channel
D - Is one of the db input ports, d0-d5 in direct or indirect addressing
S - Is the db port slot number, d0-d5
P - Is the logical parameter of the db port, d0-d5
C - Is a double type constant specified directly or by name
A - Is a line number, a non-negative integer (numbering starts from 0)
T - Is a tag (a constant with its own line number)
O - Offset, an integer indicating the offset in the lines of code relative to the current
RM - Reagent reading mode, one of the Contents, Required or Recipe (can be 0, 1 or 2, respectively)
RC - Reagent code
H - R devices with which the lb batch reading or sb writing operation is performed
BM - Batch reading mode readings, one of Average, Sum, Minimum or Maximum (can be 0, 1, 2 or 3, respectively)
Y - Any text
absR,NR,N,Cop1 := |op2|The absolute value of the number
acosR,NR,N,Cop1 := acos(op2)Arccosine*
addR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 + op3Sum
aliasNR,Dop2 => op1Specify an alias for a register or data channel
andR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 op3Logical AND, one if both op2 and op3 are true, zero otherwise
asinR,NR,N,Cop1 := asin(op2)Arcsine*
atanR,NR,N,Cop1 := atan(op2)Arctangent*
atan2R,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := atan2(op2,op3)Arc tangent with 2 arguments
bapR,N,CR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op4 if op1 op2 with precision op3
bapalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op4 if op1 op2 with precision op3, writing the address of the next line to ra
bapzR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 0 with precision op2
bapzalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 0 with precision op2, writing the address of the next line to ra
bdnsN,DR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 channel is not configured
bdnsalN,DR,N,A,TJump to op2 if channel op1 is not configured, writing next line address to ra
bdseN,DR,N,A,TJump to op2 if channel op1 is configured
bdsealN,DR,N,A,TJump to op2 if channel op1 is configured with next line address written to ra
beqR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 = op2
beqalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 = op2, writing the address of the next line to ra
beqzR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 = 0
beqzalR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 = 0, writing the address of the next line to ra
bgeR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 >= op2
bgealR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 >= op2, writing next line address to ra
bgezR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 >= 0
bgezalR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 >= 0, writing next line address to ra
bgtR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 > op2
bgtalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 > op2, writing next line address to ra
bgtzR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 > 0
bgtzalR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 > 0, writing the address of the next line to ra
bleR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 <= op2
blealR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 <= op2, writing next line address to ra
blezR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 <= 0
blezalR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 <= 0, writing the address of the next line to ra
bltR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 < op2
bltalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 < op2, writing the address of the next line to ra
bltzR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 < 0
bltzalR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 < 0, writing the address of the next line to ra
bnaR,N,CR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op4 if op1 ~= op2 with precision op3
bnaalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op4 if op1 ~= op2 with precision op3, writing next line address to ra
bnazR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 ~= 0 with precision op2
bnazalR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 ~= 0 with precision op2, writing next line address to ra
bneR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 != op2
bnealR,N,CR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op3 if op1 != op2, writing next line address to ra
bnezR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 != 0
bnezalR,N,CR,N,A,TJump to op2 if op1 != 0, writing the address of the next line to ra
brapR,N,CR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op4 if op1 op2 with precision op3
brapzR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 0 with precision op2
brdnsN,DR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if channel op1 is not configured
brdseN,DR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if channel op1 is configured
breqR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 = op2
breqzR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if op1 = 0
brgeR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 >= op2
brgezR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if op1 >= 0
brgtR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 > op2
brgtzR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if op1 > 0
brleR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 <= op2
brlezR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if op1 <= 0
brltR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 < op2
brltzR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if op1 < 0
brnaR,N,CR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op4 if op1 op2 with precision op3
brnazR,N,CR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op3 if op1 0 with precision op2
brneR,N,CR,N,CRelative jump to +op3 if op1 != op2
brnezR,N,CR,N,ORelative jump to +op2 if op1 != 0
ceilR,NR,N,Cop1 := op2Round up to nearest integer
cosR,NR,N,Cop1 := cos(op2)Cosine*
debugR,N,C,Y[icX][icX] logs passed values in the debugger
defineYR,N,C,Hop2 => op1Set a name for the constant
divR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 :=op2 / op3Division
expR,NR,N,Cop1 := eop2Exhibitor
floorR,NR,N,Cop1 := op2Rounding down to nearest integer
getRN,DR,Cloads the value of the stack memory adress op3 of the device op2 into register op1
getdRR,CR,Cloads the value of the stack memory adress op3 of the device op2 (referenced by id) into register op1
hcfStop work and burn the microprocessor
jR,N,A,TJump to the specified line
jalR,N,A,TJump to op1, writing the address of the next line to ra
jrR,N,ORelative jump to +op1
lR,NN,DPop1 := op2.op3Reading the value of parameter op3 from port op2
lbR,NR,N,C,HPBMop1 := op2.op3.mode(op4)Batch read in op1 from all devices with hash op2 of parameter op3 in op4 mode
ldRR,N,CPop1 := op2.op3Reading the value of parameter op3 from port op2 where op2 is the id of a device
logR,NR,N,Cop1 := log(op2)natural logarithm
lrR,NN,DRMR,N,RC,Hop1 := op2.mode(op3).op4Read reagent value op4 in op3 mode from port op2
lsR,NN,DR,N,SPop1 := op2.slot(op3).op4Read value op4 from slot op3 of port op2
maxR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := max(op2, op3)Maximum of two
minR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := min(op2, op3)Minimum of two
modR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 mod op3Remainder of integer division of op2 by op3 (the result is not equivalent to the % operator, and will be positive for any signs of op2 and op3)
moveR,NR,N,C,T,Hop1 := op2Value assignment
mulR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 * op3Multiplication
norR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := ¬(op2 op3)Inverse OR, one if both op2 and op3 are false, zero otherwise
orR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 op3Logical OR, zero if both op2 and op3 are false, one otherwise
peekRloads the value in the stack memory at index sp-1 into register op1
popRop1 := stack[--sp]Pop a value from the stack and write to op1
pushR,N,C,T,Hstack[sp++] := op1Push op1 onto the stack
putN,DR,CR,Cstores the value op3 in the setack memory adress op2 of the device op1
putdR,CR,CR,Cstores the value op3 in the setack memory adress op2 of the device op1 (referenced by id)
randR,Nop1 := rand(0,1)Random value from 0 to 1 inclusive
returnR,N,C[icX] return x[icX] return value from functions
roundR,NR,N,Cop1 := [op2]Rounding to nearest integer
sN,DPR,N,Cop1.op2 := op3Writing a value to the op2 parameter of port op1
sapR,NR,N,CR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 op3)If op2 op3 with precision op4, then one, otherwise zero
sapzR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 0)If op2 0 with precision op3, then one, otherwise zero
sbR,N,C,HPR,N,Cop1.op2 := op3Batch write to all devices with hash op1 to parameter op2 of value op3
sdR,N,CPR,N,Cop1.op2 := op3Writing a value to the op2 parameter of port op1 where op1 is the id of the device
sdnsR,NN,Dop1 := ¬isset(op2) ? tenIf channel op2 is not set to one, otherwise zero
sdseR,NN,Dop1 := isset(op2) ? tenIf channel op2 is set to one, otherwise zero
selectR,NR,N,CR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 ? op3 : op4)Ternary select. If op2 is true then op1 := op3, otherwise op1 := op4
seqR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 = op3)If op2 = op3, then one, otherwise zero
seqzR,NR,N,Cop1 := (op2 = 0)If op2 = 0, then one, otherwise zero
sgeR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 >= op3)If op2 >= op3, then one, otherwise zero
sgezR,NR,N,Cop1 := (op2 >= 0)If op2 >= 0, then one, otherwise zero
sgtR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 > op3)If op2 > op3, then one, otherwise zero
sgtzR,NR,N,Cop1 := (op2 > 0)If op2 > 0, then one, otherwise zero
sinR,NR,N,Cop1 := sin(op2)Sinus*
slaR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 <<$ op3Left arithmetic bitshift
sleR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 < op3)If op2 < op3, then one, otherwise zero
sleepR,N,CsleepPause the program for op1 seconds
slezR,NR,N,Cop1 := (op2 < 0)If op2 < 0, then one, otherwise zero
sllR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 << op3Left bitshift
sltR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 < op3)If op2 < op3, then one, otherwise zero
sltzR,NR,N,Cop1 := (op2 < 0)If op2 < 0, then one, otherwise zero
snaR,NR,N,CR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 op3)If op2 op3 with precision op4, then one, otherwise zero
snazR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 0)If op2 0 with precision op3, then one, otherwise zero
sneR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := (op2 op3)If op2 op3, then one, otherwise zero
snezR,NR,N,Cop1 := (op2 0)If op2 0, then one, otherwise zero
sqrtR,NR,N,Cop1 := o̅p̅2̅Square root
sraR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 >>$ op3Right arithmetic bitshift
srlR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 >> op3Right bitshift
stackR,N,C[icX] stack 1 2 3 ...[icX] Populates the stack with argument values
subR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 - op3Difference
tanR,NR,N,Cop1 := tan(op2)Tangent*
truncR,NR,N,Cop1 := int(op2)The integer part of number
xorR,NR,N,CR,N,Cop1 := op2 op3XOR, one if one and only one of op2 and op3 is true, zero otherwise
yieldPausing the program until the next tick

Activatetrigger-1 - stop, 0 - not working 1 - working
ChargefloatBattery or accumulator charge, J. Level of electricity generation by a solar panel, W.
ClearMemorytrigger>=1 - reset counters
Color0-blue, 1-grey, 2-green, 3-orange, 4-red, 5-yellow, 6-white, 7-black, 8-brown, 9-khaki, 10-pink, 11-purpleColor of LED lamp, fixed beacon and LED display
CombustionBool1 - ignition detected, 0 - in all other cases
CombustionLimiterint[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]Sets the combustion limiter of Combustion Centrifuge.
CompletionRatiofloatproduction stage in %
ElevatorLevelintFor reading - the level at which the elevator cabin is located, or -1 if there is no cabin. On record - sends the elevator to the specified floor.
ElevatorSpeedfloatThe speed of the elevator cabin, m / tick. A negative value corresponds to downward movement, 0 to a stationary booth, a positive value to upward movement.
ErrorBool0 - normal operation, 1 - error
ExportCountintcounter of objects passed through the export slot
FilterType1-oxygen, 2-nitrogen, 4-carbon dioxide, 8-volatiles, 16-pollutant, 32-water, 64-nitrous oxideThe type of filter inserted in a filtration device's filter slot
FiltrationBoolSwitches the filtration of the spent mixture in a durable suit.
ForceWritetriggerForces the write and multiwrite chips to transfer the current value to the hardware.
HarvesttriggerActivates harvesting in an automatic hydroponic station.
Horizontalfloat[0 - 360]angle with respect to the Sun in degrees in the horizontal projection of the Sun onto the sensor plane
IdleBoolLoading the arc furnace. 0 - ore is not loaded, 1 - loaded.
ImportCountintcounter of objects passed through the import slot
LockBool0 - manual control unlocked, 1 - locked
MaximumfloatThe maximum value of some equipment parameter, such as battery charge or pressure at the inlet to the combustion chamber of a jet engine. Very often present but not used.
Modeintworking mode
OnBool0 - disabled 1 - enabled
OpenBool0 - release closed, 1 - open
OutputInt/TriggerFor a sorter - r/w , Int - the next output to which the object will be issued.
For a stacker - w, Trigger - unloads the accumulated packing of objects into the export slot.
PlanttriggerStarts the process of planting a plant from the import slot in an automatic hydroponic station.
PositionXfloatX coordinate of current position
PositionYfloatY coordinate of the current position
PositionZfloatZ coordinate of the current position
PowerBool0 - no power or off, 1 - power on
PowerActualfloatTotal electricity consumption by all devices in the network, W.
PowerGenerationfloatCurrent generation of electricity by the generator, W.
PowerPotentialfloatMaximum available network power, W.
PowerRequiredfloatThe total electricity demand of all devices in the network, W.
PressureAirfloatPressure in the cylinder with the breathing mixture of the suit installed in the rack, kPa.
PressureExternalfloatatmospheric pressure in the environment, kPa
PressureInternalfloatThe pressure in the pipeline at which the operation of active ventilation stops, kPa. Installed but not used.
PressureWastefloatPressure in the cylinder with the spent mixture of the suit installed in the rack, kPa.
RatiofloatFor batteries - Charge/Maximum ratio.
For other devices - Setting/Maximum ratio.
RatioCarbonDioxidefloatshare of carbon dioxide
RatioNitrogenfloatproportion of nitrogen
RatioNitrousOxidefloatshare of nitrous oxide
RatioOxygenfloatfraction of oxygen
RatioPollutantfloatproportion of toxins
RatioVolatilesfloatfraction of volatile gases
RatioWaterfloatproportion of water vapor
Reagentsfloattotal weight of ingredients in grams
RecipeHashinthash of the selected recipe
RequestHashfloathash of requested item
RequiredPowerfloatThe energy required for the operation of the device, W.
SettingAnyThe current value of some hardware parameter. The type and possible values depend on the hardware.
SettingOutputfloatSecondary setting
SolarAnglefloatangle relative to the sun in degrees
TargetXinttarget x-coordinate
TargetYinttarget y-coordinate
TargetZinttarget's z-coordinate
TemperatureExternalfloattemperature of the external atmosphere, K
TemperatureSettingfloatThe specified temperature inside the durable suit, K.
Throttleint[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]Sets the throttle of Combustion Centrifuge.
TotalMolesfloatThe total amount of gas inside the pipeline, mol.
VelocityMagnitudefloatbot movement speed module
VelocityRelativeXfloatspeed of movement along the X coordinate
VelocityRelativeYfloatY-axis movement speed
VelocityRelativeZfloatmovement speed along Z coordinate
Verticalfloatangle relative to the sun in degrees

ChargeRatiofloatThe battery level in the slot.
Classthe class of the object in the slot
Damagefloatobject damage level
EfficiencyfloatPlant growth efficiency in an automatic hydroponic station. -1 if there is no plant.
GrowthfloatPlant growth stage in automatic hydroponic station. -1 if there is no plant.
HealthfloatPlant health in an automatic hydroponic station. 0 - dead plant, 1 - completely healthy, -1 - no plant.
MaturefloatReadiness of the plant in the automatic hydroponic station for harvesting. -1 if there is no plant.
MaxQuantityfloatmaximum number of items in a slot
OccupantHashHashhash of the object in the slot
OccupiedBool0 - slot free, 1 - occupied
QuantityfloatQuantity of the iten in the slot
